Sunday, June 27, 2010

Night Thoughts

So what gets u? What moves u? what's your passion?

If u know me, I have always been driven by helping people... but everybody likes helping people (according to the interviw panel I'm on w/ State Farm) So let me go further, I'm always trying to connect w/ God but sometimes I don't know how. Sometimes I get nothing from reading the bible (even though I know I shouldn't say that) but God says that his greatest commandment is to love god and then your neighbor.

U see, I can share what we are doing here with great detail but it doesn't express what's going on w/ me internally...So I spent time journaling today...And then it hit me, I get more from serving somebody (for me right now is Haiti) and feel closer w/ God...b/c I deny myself and trust that I will be used in ways that I can't do by myself, like be in freaking Haiti :)

What about u?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. What you said reminded me of something I have heard a lot in the last year. If I want to be closer with God, I should serve. I admire you for pushing forward in your pursuit for closeness. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences.
